Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First "Mom" Item! good friend Kristen works in downtown LA in the fashion district. She's a mom (she has a beautiful little girl named Madison) and she works in a showroom down there. She had the cutest necklace on the other day when we went to dinner. It was small and dainty and I couldn't take my eyes off it! I asked her where she got it from and she said another showroom in her building. I asked her to get one for me (I'm such a copy cat) because I loved it so much. I just met up with her for a quick chat, a Shave It and to get my necklace from her!
It says "love mom" on it. It's beyond adorable! 

Thanks Kristen!!! I love it and YOU so much! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

11 Weeks!

I'm 11 weeks pregnant now! The days were going by so slowly back at 6 and 7 weeks....but now they are flying by! I can actually see the difference in my belly now. As exciting as it is to watch my belly grow, it's also depressing to think of how much weight I will have to drop AFTER that baby! Haha! 

This upcoming week is SUPER busy. We are going to Laughlin this weekend for some fun and a wedding so there is lots to do before then. I'll make sure post pictures of the trip! 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Exciting news!!! We have made an appointment to do a 4D gender session on August 14th. The technician will be able to tell us if it's a boy or girl! The suspense is killing me...and everyone else! I know my mom is dying to shop already! I can't wait to find out...this way I can start planning the nursery....shower....anddddd I'll probably be shopping too.  :) 

The second we find out the sex, I will let everyone know! Everyone keeps guessing and the guesses are actually pretty even. I have no idea what the sex is. I just want a healthy baby!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Grill 'Em All...More like "I ate it all!"

There was a show on the Food Network awhile back called "The Great Food Truck Race." The winner of the show was a truck called "Grill 'Em All". Ever since seeing their delicious, juicy burgers on TV, I have wanted to try this truck. The other day, our friend told us the truck would be at a food truck event a few miles away from us! We arrived there tonight at 5:30pm and there was already a line. After drooling over the menu while I waited, I finally decided on my burger of choice. The Behemoth. (DUN DUN DUNNNNNN).

The name was intimidating... and it was just as intimidating to look at! Two grilled cheeses held together this burger...topped with cheese, bacon, beer soaked onions, BBQ sauce and pickles. Holy heart attack! I felt like being wheeled back to the car after eating MOST of the burger. And let me just say this.... it was DELICIOUS. I cannot wait to go back to the Grill 'Em All truck to try a different burger! Next time, I think I'll skip the grilled cheese buns.... 

Now I'm off....gotta slip into a food coma. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

San Clemente Beach Day!

Garret and I hopped in the car and drove an hour south to San Clemente yesterday. My dad and sister are staying down there for a few days on a surfing trip. We met up with them at San Clemente state beach. They boogie boarded for hours! I went in a little bit but it was freezing! I also didn't want to get knocked down by a wave...LOL. After beaching it, we headed back to their hotel to swim in the pool a little bit. We then showered, got dressed and headed to downtown San Clemente. We ate at a restaurant my dad found, The Fisherman. It was beyond delicious!!! We had fettuccine with prawns, dungeness crab, coconut shrimp, top sirloin with fried prawns, clam chowder and more. It was definitely the best meal I've had in a long time!!! 

<3 Thank you for the day trip, dad and Becca! We love you! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"There are 4 of us in the room"

We had our 2nd doctor's appointment yesterday. We didn't get another ultrasound but we did get to hear the heartbeat!!! It was the most amazing sound in the entire world. Words can't even express how I felt when we heard it. Our doctor smiled and said "There are 4 of us in the room." He also said the heartbeat sounded perfect! I will never forget hearing the heartbeat for the first time....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

10 Weeks!

I'm 10 weeks pregnant today! According to my pregnancy journal, the baby weighs about 1/2oz and is 2 1/2 inches in length. We have another doctor's appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping we get to do another ultrasound! If so, I'll make sure to post a picture of that as well. Hopefully we get to hear the heartbeat too! 

Also, my mom and I went shopping the other day and she bought the baby his/her first outfit!!
We figured this outfit would work for a girl or boy! So exciting!!!! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Great Park Anniversary Event

Every year, my dad puts on a huge anniversary event for the city of Irvine. The event gets bigger every year! This year, there was a 5 hour air show,sky divers, a petting zoo (my favorite), food trucks, booths, performers and to top it all off, fireworks! It was definitely the best one yet. I am so proud of my dad and all of his hard work. Love you dad! 


8 Weeks!

Here is a picture of my belly at 8 weeks. No baby bump just yet...just some extra weight! LOL. I can't wait for an actual baby belly! I forgot to have Garret take one of my belly at 9 weeks so I will post one at 10 weeks. Let's watch it grow!!!