Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Paisley at 18 Weeks

At our last doctor's appointment,  we had an ultrasound and were able to see her so clearly! Here is a side profile shot. I love that her little arm is up, almost as if she is waving at her mommy and daddy :)
My dad thinks she resembles me already. I can't quite tell. LOL. Can't wait to see her again!!! 

Half Way There Treats!

As I previously stated in my post below, one of my apps said I was half way through my pregnancy today. My friend, Tina, was looking at the app this past Sunday and made a mental note that today was that day. She showed up at my house this afternoon with two huge boxes of chocolate deliciousness! A variety of chocolate covered strawberries, apples and oranges...oh my! I was so shocked that she remembered and that she went out of her way to do this for me. Thank you Tina and Vanessa! You guys are great friends and I'm lucky to be able to call you my friends. <3

19 Weeks!

Although I do not like this picture, here is the belly at 19 weeks! It's funny how my belly looks bigger one week and smaller the next...this week it looks huge! I need to have Garret take these pictures right when I wake up, not after a big breakfast! Hehe!

This week has been a great pregnancy week! According to "What to Expect", I am half way through my pregnancy today (Thursday)! Another book says this Sunday will be halfway, but either way...this week marks the half way point! Also, I was laying on the couch at my mom's on Tuesday and all of a sudden, I felt a KICK! Of course it wasn't too hard, since she is still so small. But it was most definitely a kick. After that, I started feeling her move around more. Now, I feel her moving everyday, randomly. It's the most amazing feeling ever! Garret is pretty jealous that he can't feel her yet...but he should be able to soon. :)

Also, we are going to start on her nursery in the next few weeks!! Our parents helped us buy a BEAUTIFUL crib (that we picked up yesterday). I can't wait to see the finished product. Once the work is being started, I will post progress pictures on here. Look out for them!! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

18 Weeks!

18 weeks pregnant now! We just had an ultrasound and the doctor said she is perfect. :) 
Her heartbeat is perfect and so is the placement of my uterus. Woo hoo! LOL. During the ultrasound, we got to see her mouth and eyes, her feet, butt and her whole body laying on her back. She was moving her hand back and forth, almost as if she was waving. We also watched her heartbeat. It was so amazing seeing her! I can't wait for the next ultrasound! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

17 Weeks!

17 weeks pregnant now! We have another ultrasound on Tuesday. We're so excited! She is as big as a sweet potato right now. Hopefully we get a good look at her. Also, the ultrasound tech will confirm the sex. I hope she's still a girl, otherwise I have a lot of returning to do!