Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, December 22, 2011

31 Weeks!

Less than 9 weeks to go!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! It's so crazy how unbelievably fast the days are flying by now. Our baby shower is in a few weeks and then Paisley will be here! Thank goodness her nursery is basically done. I walk past it everyday and look in there, just thinking to myself about how it'll be when my sweet peanut is actually in there. I'm thoroughly enjoying my pregnant thus far (minus the killer back pain). I just hope labor isn't TOO tough. Let's not think about it for now though!!! 

30 Weeks!

Pajama party! I swear I could live in PJs. I always looked at pregnant woman who walked around in baggy clothing (most likely their husbands) and felt bad for them. I swore I would never be that person. The other day, I wore leggings and Garret's hoodie to the store. It's the only hoodie that fits me (update: Mom bought me a new LARGE hoodie...a hoodie for WOMEN...yay!) It was beyond embarrassing. 

29 Weeks!

Still growing!! She is moving like crazy nowadays. Some nights, I just lay there while she flips around like a circus act. I can feel her on either side of my belly, which is insane. I love feeling her kick...I can sit there for hours and just watch my belly dance!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Paisley's 4D Ultrasound

There is our little girl!!! We had a 4D ultrasound done today. I can't even being to describe how amazing it was to see her. I most definitely cried and didn't want it to end! We watched her touch her face, yawn, open her eyes and possibly even suck her thumb. She is so beautiful already... I can't imagine how I will feel when I actually get to hold her. Thank you to everyone who came to our ultrasound today. We greatly appreciate it!! 
*Mommy and Daddy love you so much already, Paisley!*

Florida Family

A few weeks ago, my dad had a convention in Orlando, Florida and he was gracious enough to let me tag along. We stayed near my grandparents, which was nice because it allowed us to spend plenty of time with them. My Aunt Sarah was also able to hang out with me a lot... I SO appreciated it! I really miss all of my Florida family. It's tough to not be able to get in a car and drive to them. I am glad I got to see most everybody during our trip....the next time we are in Florida, we will have Paisley with us!! 
<3 Thank you daddy for the trip! I love you :) 

28 Weeks!

Baby belly at 28 weeks! I am feeling pretty big right now... it's getting harder to find tops that fit over my belly and the only comfy pants are leggings, yoga pants or my maternity jeans! Is it OK to wear pajamas to the grocery store?

27 Weeks!

Hello belly! Here is a belly shot at 27 weeks. My dad and I were in Florida, visiting family. You know you have a close relationship with your dad when you can say "Hey dad...take a picture of my belly."