I'm now 12 weeks pregnant and starting the 2nd trimester. The baby is a little over 3 inches and weighs about 1oz. In my pregnancy journal, it says the baby can open and close it's eyes and mouth and that if I push on my belly, it moves in response. Of course, I can't feel any of this yet but I should be able to in about 2 months. Crazy!!!
Our 4D ultrasound is coming up and we are on the edge of our seat, wondering what the sex is! I still haven't had any morning sickness and since I'm in the 2nd trimester now, I'm pretty sure I won't start getting it now.
I can see a little belly now. It's really hard and my pants are tight now! Guess I need to get some maternity jeans soon...
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!